Democracy International e.V. (DI) was founded in 2011 from initiatives and democracy activists around the introduction of the European Citizens’ Initiative. DI aims to strengthen citizen participation and direct democracy at all levels. For international networking, the association organizes the world’s largest conference on direct democracy, the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy.

Federation for Innovation in Democracy – Europe (FIDE) believes that the best way to strengthen our democracies is by involving citizens deeply and qualitatively in policymaking. Through deliberative democratic methods, citizens are empowered to actively engage in thoughtful discussions, make informed decisions, and collaboratively propose solutions to complex policy problems.
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Since 2017 Daniela Vancic has been working to strengthen European democracy as the European Program Manager at Democracy International.
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Yves Dejaeghere is the executive director at FIDE – Europe and was a senior researcher at KULeuven and the University of Antwerp. He was the coordinator of the Belgian G1000, specializing in sortition and deliberative democracy.
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